
Dear All, we invite you to participate in the Polish Culture Week held between 28 November - 02 December, 2022. Culture Week is a colourful event…


On November 14, 2022, there was a ceremony of signing a cooperation agreement between the Poznan University of Technology and School Complex No. 1.…

prof. Jerzy Buzek

Contest for innovative scientific article, project under the title ‘Scientific Debut 2023 – SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT and EUROPEAN GREEN DEAL’…


How cities and regions are evolving and how universities of technology can and should respond to these changes. These are the main topics of the…

Stypendyści Miasta Poznania

On October 28, 2022, the Scholarships of the City of Poznan for the academic year 2022/2023 were awarded to the winners and finalists of the…


On 26.10.2022 the Orientation Day took place at our University. The meeting was organized for foreign students by the International Relations Office…


A ceremonial Academic Sports Gala was held at the Trops student club, summing up the academic games in Wielkopolska. The best university in the…


Once again, the Poznan University of Technology was among the top universities that received the most applications for one place in recruitment for…

plakat 1

For many years, AKAI has brought together students with a passion for software engineering who can develop their passion by implementing team…


We cordially invite representatives of the university, employees and students to the Intel Days event, which will be held on 7-8 November 2022 at the…


The Central European Technology Forum CETEF22 takes place at the Congress Center of the Wrocław University of Science and Technology. CETEF is a…